Make the Most of the NEW Moon THIS Week Money Worries?

Making the Most of The New Moon This Weekend


My love of astrology started when I was 11 or 12 years old. Now, when I watch the impact the moon has on the tides at my local, Coogee Beach, and knowing humans are 70% water, when I see a theme of emotional patterns coming in with clients to their Personal Consultations I check astrology to see what’s going on.


This week was one of those weeks. In the lead up to the New Moon this weekend there have been a lot of tears, anger, descriptions of feuds and arguments leading to the release of intense emotions accompanied by feelings of self doubt, “wobbly”, “over it”, “resentful” and “like I’m checking out” this week.


By coming in for a Personal Consultation these clients have been taking the opportunity to heal and let go of the old hurts and pain as they surfaced, creating the way for a new and better life moving forward.


This weekend we are experiencing a Scorpio New Moon, a time of assessing what no longer works and letting it go so we can be open to receive the NEW and BETTER in our lives.


This can affect the way you think, feel, react, the people around you, your career, lifestyle, habits, etc that no longer support you in creating the life meant for you.


It is also known as the most emotional of New Moons and brings up unresolved anger, sadness, resentment, bitterness, jealousy….so if you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck it would be a good time to come in for a Personal Consultation to keep you in the Flow of progress.


Of course, LLP Grads can revisit ” The Strategy” in their Living Life Passionately workbook, and along with Ignite Your Heart and Masterful Getting Grads You can use the Visioning exercises you learnt in your workshop and check-in with any old Visions and updating them AND create NEW ones!


Want a quick and easy way to release the most annoying thoughts (which are creating your intense feelings)? Write out the stories running around your thoughts, rip them up, Head Hold and Breathe for at least 9 reps while imagining you are vacuuming the emotions and thoughts and pain from your body. Imagine a way to destroy the vac … throw it into a volcano, dissolve it with acid, send it to the sun in a rockship. BOOM! Gone! Then imagine and create new Visions of  Your Future and write them down.


Repeat to keep the progress moving and by releasing the old and bring in the NEW and BETTER.


A New Moon is also THE BEST time to plant the seeds of the goals we Vision.


That makes this an EXCELLENT weekend to create NEW Visions of your future for Christmas, Your Holidays, and 2018.


More information on the Scorpio New Moon here “Lunascope Scorpio New Moon”


Plus! a link from another quality resource Brendon Bouchard, author of High Performance Habits.


Watch “The Power of Personal Responsibility…How to Get Your Sh*t Together” here


And plenty MORE in this edition of Breathe to read and enJOY!


Meditation Class on Wednesdays


Now in their 20th year I LOVE facilitating the ( Guided) Meditation Classes now more than ever, and the connection and guidance is evidence to this….everyone benefits!


Using kinesiology techniques to assist beginners and advanced meditators alike to go into a deeper, clearer meditation faster and more easily. The results are measurable.


Come along to Meditation Classes using kinesiology 7-8pm Wednesdays: make sure You Book! Be great to see you! Find calm, clarity, focus and a whole lot MORE. Clients Only Event. Bookings essential. $20 casual. Sms Deb before 4pm Wednesday to confirm your space. Please Remember: Cancellations/no shows after this time incur full fee. More info


What Are You Worth?


It’s a funny question this one. Most people believe that Others determine their worth, yet throughout my 15 year Corporate career in HR, Recruitment and Training I saw time and again that the way people thought and felt about themselves was reflected in the work they did, the way they presented and talked about themselves.


Most clearly it reflected in what they were paid.


Fear Around Money = Lack of Self Worth


This is living, walking talking SELF VALUE and Self WORTH. You are paid AND live the Life YOU believe you are worth. Which is why improving self value and self worth became the basis to all Personal Consultations and the Ignite Your Heart workshop. Because when you know you are worthy you become a magnet to Prosperity. People treat you with respect….because You respect You.


A kinesiology definition of Proud has nothing to do with having a chest and medals to pin on it. Proud in kinesiology terms is knowing who you are, knowing what you are about and comfortable in your skin.


While in Corporate I noticed  that those who were PROUD of themselves valued what they had to offer, were paid more and more in demand. They also had more to SHARE because they knew that no one could take away their most valuable asset…their Self Knowledge, their knowledge about themselves.


And that made them great Networkers. A key to being successful and gathering great resources and solutions.


Living According to Your Values = Self Worth


It has always fascinated me that entreupeuneur and billionaire Richard Branson has said that if he lost all his money, assets and businesses tomorrow he could rebuild in a year. Based on his resources: his knowledge, his mental and emotional approach to life, his business Network and his family and friends supporting him.


He always adds, that if he lost his family he would truly have lost everything.


Branson’s core value is his family and that makes it a core motivator. It’s clear in many of the candid photos he shares including those at his home Necker Island, he lolling under the palm trees by the ocean looking fresh, happy and relaxed surrounded by family and friends. Others pics show him draped in his kids as they play around and over him. He has created the life that is meaningful to him based on his core values.


That’s the foundation to everything I offer You: the Personal Consultations, Classes and Workshops – creating a life you love, having commitment to yourself and your purpose by LIVING from your Values.


Do You?


“First people,  then money,  then things.” Suze Orman


Money expert Suze Orman reports often that the No. 1 fear of women is that they will lose all their money, or never have enough money and will end up a bag lady.


Fear is a prime motivator but it keeps us stuck in Survival mode and doing what we  ‘Have To” to make ends meet or get things done.


I have been recommending Suze’s books for years to both men and women. They are excellent resources assisting to change your thinking and feelings about money and as a result you are then ready  to receive strategies she provides to conquer debt and great a rich life. Women and Money (Australian Edition), provides a 5 month plan to getting your finances in order and growing from the ground roots up.


Worried You’ll Miss Out?

That You’re Not Enough?

Or Never Have Enough?


The fear of missing out and not having enough is so common that for years I have worked with women and men to release their fears around money and to provide practical tools and resources so You can become friends with Your money and PROUD of your relationship with your money- that you know all about You and your money, know what it’s about (Money) and comfortable with your relationship with Money.


The Fear is SO intense that it creates a BIG fat refusal to even look at finances. Just as with your other goals in life,  your money needs attention to create a solid foundation from which to grow. When you want to be healthy you look at your diet and your exercise and you create a healthy balance that is in line with your values and your goals. It is no different with money.


YOUR money is YOUR money and it reflects in your Self good, or not, you feel about yourself.


Money gives you Choices and is an energy that allows you to do more, discover more…to expand your life.


Money worries create a feeling of No Choice, which in kinesiology terms means STRESS. If you are worried about money you need to pay attention to Your money and you do that from the inside out…what you think you are worth and what your life style is saying you are worth.


How Money Communicates Who You Are


What your posture says…are you brow beaten wanting to slump into yourself away from the world (FEAR) or walking tall, head high, comfortable in yourself?


Your behaviour around spending … do you buy cheap because you can get more because you are worried you won’t have enough (FEAR)? Or, because you KNOW what quality is worth? Buy wisely?


How do you share money with family and friends…buy gifts or meals and become upset / hurt they are rarely or never reciprocated (FEAR)? Lend money even though you can’t afford it (FEAR) ? How is this reflecting on your worth? Self respect? Self belief and Self value?


Money is a form of expression, it’s a way of communicating YOU. Your behaviour and the behaviour of those around you are telling you what you are worth – to You and them.


No More Playing the Shame and Blame Game!


It keeps YOU stuck. SHAME and BLAME are the key elements that block the ability to look at money clearly, paying attention to where it is going and how to grow it.


Time and again I have heard in clinic sessions, “But Deb, I am just SO embarrassed, so ashamed I don’t know how much I earn/owe/ spend or what my credit card or other debts are. I feel too embarrassed to talk to anyone about fixing my money situation.” So, you talk to me and we work with releasing the fears and blocks to you creating a healthy relationship with money.


Shame keeps us locked in a cage of embarrassment and horror that anyone will find out, especially that massive credit card debt. Blame is the other part of this BIG block…blaming others, the economy, the celebrity that endorsed the product, the bank, the boss. This stops you from growing from a mistake and using the learning to move on.


I know. I left a 7.5 year relationship in 2000 with a massive amount of debt because 6 months beforehand , instead of listening to my inner voice and leaving then, I made an agreement to give it another go and support my then partner in a business venture. For the next 8 years as I repaid the debt to the bank I whipped myself mentally and emotionally blaming him for not honouring the debt and blamed and shamed myself for ignoring my inner voice and knowing better.


When I realised that I needed to create a virtual bridge over the hole of debt I had built in my mind so that I could move on to greener financial pastures, I did. And the debt was repaid within 2 years…more easily and while building a thriving business interstate and internationally- living My dream and Purpose.


How did I do it? I accepted FULL responsibility for making a poor choice. No more blaming, no shame. That’s it.


FULL response- ability.


That allowed me to make a Commitment to Me, to my Purpose and Living the Life that is Meaningful to Me.


And that created a new sense of Freedom and New Beginnings.


Valuable vs Expensive Lessons


Everyone makes mistakes. It’s a part of being human and allowing yourself the permission to grow. When you were a child how did you learn you could do something or that you liked something? By tasting it, smelling it, playing with it, doing it. By making mistakes and learning.


The thing is IF you made a mistake and kept making mistakes that makes it an Expensive Lesson. It costs time, energy and money ( tastebuds, friends, hospital bills,,,,,) if you keep repeating the mistake.


On the other hand if you learn from the mistake so you never repeat it, you have created a Valuable lesson. And a life lesson that you can build on, that builds your self-esteem and self-worth and your confidence.


So, I had learnt a VALUABLE lesson.


You can either be stuck in the problem or part of the solution. Where do you want to be?


Living Your Financial Dreams…


It delights me now to see so many clients in their 20s and early 30s, many of them Living Life Passionately Grads, living their financial dreams.


Over the years many have come into Personal Consultations wanting to discover and release whatever is stopping them paying off the bad debt so they can create healthy financial strategies to buy their first property then investment properties – and SO many of you have fulfilled your financial dream, while others succeed at creating a prosperous life doing what they LOVE doing….all by letting go of the fears and limiting beliefs to create positive self beliefs and make room for a rich life. As defined by You.


We all have different financial goals defined by our Values. Living Life according to your Values creates value, and attracts the rewards. Bravo!


Others call or email me to make an appointment saying” it’s time to find The Money AND Fulfillment Deb” when wanting a new and better job.


BRAVO! to the many of you who are now living what was a dream.


Remember, once we discover and release the belief systems, fears, emotional and energetic patterns stopping you from creating the healthy financial life you want – you can start to use the wealth of information you have stored all these years to really activate your plans and ADD to them.


Is stressing and worrying about money working for you?

What VALUE do you place on changing that for Yourself?

What are You really WORTH?

And are you LIVING it?


Be the Hero of Your Own Life. It’s time to START NOW.


Is it time for You to come in for a Personal Consultation?


To Live the Life Meant for You?


Then respond to this email me, sms or or call me on  0408 600 410 for an appointment.


In the meantime, Be Kind. And True to You.


All the best always,
