Spring Equinox Meditation Special Event

6.30pm-8pm Wednesday September 18, 2024
Spring Equinox Process & Meditation
$35 on zoom includes recording

Email, wa, sms or call Deb to Book

Also Available

Spring Equinox Personal Consultations & Remote Sessions are Available
15 -24 September, 2023
Email, sms, wa or call Deb to Book

About The Spring Equinox

Ancient traditions are hardwired in our brain to the cycle of the seasons, and influences the timing and way we farm and produce/ create projects, strategise & produce outcomes.

This connection also creates instinctive responses to the length and intensity of daylight or night.

The Spring Equinox (September 18-23 in the southern hemisphere) is a time of balance – when day and night reach equal length before the days grow longer and the nights shorten.

The Spring Equinox is the time to celebrate the change of seasons as Winter becomes Spring, allowing you to complete the old cycle, leaving behind the worries, fears and darkness of Winter so you can step into the new growth, opportunities, vision, warmth and longer days that come with the Spring.

As well as a transformational and healing time, the Spring Equinox creates the energy for deep, clearing processes, opening the flow of new energy to plant the seeds of goals and visions of Life so they can establish and blossom in Spring and be harvested in Summer.

Traditionally this is a time of great opportunity to notice where things are out of balance in your Life and clear and re-organise so you can step back into the Flow.

During the Spring Equinox clients seek the Special Event Meditation and Personal Consultations or Remote Sessions to release outmoded patterns of defence to become open to receive the abundance of Life.

As Life Priorities change and re-organise at this time, clients desire to create healthy and positive relationships starting with themselves, to do fulfilling work and BE their true selves. They describe a new clarity of their Vision and perception of life and a renewed energy for their projects.

The Spring Equinox Meditation Special Event starts with a Process assisting you to clear & re-organise the garden of your Life, planting the seeds of short term goals so they can establish and blossom in Spring and be harvested in Summer. Then Deborah leads a guided meditation for you to receive insights & inspiration of your positive future.

To Book

Email deborah@deborahbeers.com


Call/sms 0408 600 410

Bookings are confirmed on receipt of Pre-Payment. Details provided on booking.

A Client Only Event
Past or current clients have experienced a Personal Consultation or Remote Session with Deborah.

This Special Event includes meditation, insight and a process to make the most of the season. I look forward to assisting you to enjoy the benefits of your new learnings and to find the new, better ways of living your life.