Utilizing her extensive kinesiology training and breadth of experience Deborah will assist you to gently release your mental, emotional and physical patterns and habits that block you from getting to where you want to be.
As a result you will have the ENERGY, CLARITY and MOTIVATION to:
- Make better choices
- Create more successful strategies
- Make positive changes
- And begin Living the Life you are Meant to
There is an understanding that once our attitude, thoughts and beliefs about life are in support of our wellbeing, the emotional health of an individual will improve and then their physical health.
Every body, every person has their own unique solutions to imbalance and stress. Why? Because we all have our own unique experience of Life.
Kinesiology, particularly Neuro-Training – the type of kinesiology Deborah loves to work with – honours your innate intelligence to find Your unique solutions to stress.
Stress occurs until the brain learns to adapt. This can take moments or years. Think of some of the changes you have experienced in life: moving from childhood to adolescence, moving house, going on a diet, changing jobs or partner, learning new skills – they all incurred stress until you learnt to adapt.
With kinesiology/ neuro-training we are assisting the brain to adapt more easily and to find the most positive change in all circumstances. Positive change is about:
- Making choices that are in support of you and your goals
- Seeking better results for the effort you put into Life and
- Achieving more easily
Sharing these principles, and many others, with her clients in appointments and students in workshops is one of Deborah’s greatest joys and passions in life.
Deborah loves assisting you to find Your solutions to improve your life NOW.
Your experiences with Deborah are ALL about You
For further information or to book an appointment call Deborah on +61 408 600 410 or email deborah@deborahbeers.com
Live the Life you are Meant to…
More meaningfully, easily and productively